Good Funeral Guild
The Good Funeral Guild is an initiative brought to you by the Good Funeral Guide CIC– the not for profit social enterprise dedicated to supporting, empowering and representing the interests of dying and bereaved people in the UK.
We are a collective of like-minded people working to change funerals for the better.
Membership of the Good Funeral Guild is open to anyone who is committed to improving funerals – for everyone.
The Good Funeral Guild is a membership organisation for the dissemination of funeral related information.
The Guild does not endorse individual members or their work and cannot be held responsible for any member or member’s company failing to deliver best practice.
Membership of the Good Funeral Guild or use of our logo is in no way an endorsement by the Guild or the Good Funeral Guide CIC
Our Mission
The mission of The Good Funeral Guild is not to reflect change in funerary practices but to be the change. We do this by:
Offering the means and opportunity for the exchange of ideas and proposals among Guild members
Fostering a spirit of community among people interested in end-of-life matters and funerals
Fostering collegial, supportive and collaborative practice among deathworkers
Debating both topical and enduring issues around end-of-life matters and funerals
Enabling discussion and debate between funeral professionals and the public
Commenting on and contributing to the evolution of funerary rites and practices
Monitoring and commenting on the funeral industry
Nurturing, supporting and encouraging innovative, progressive practice among undertakers and ceremony leaders and launching initiatives to improve the experiential value of funerals for bereaved people
Publishing the work of innovative thinkers
Raising public awareness of end-of-life and funeral related issues
Acting as an interface between the funeral industry and the public and promoting better public understanding of deathcare and the commemoration of the dead
Making available to the print and broadcast media information which will enable them to create useful, well-informed content
Creating a comprehensive information resource
Lobbying government and the funeral industry’s trade associations (NAFD and SAIF) in support of the interests of bereaved people
The Good Funeral Guild welcomes members from Funeralworld and beyond.
Our members include traditional and modern funeral directors, celebrants, ministers, grief counsellors, gravediggers, embalmers, stonemasons, memorial makers and many other people who are committed to improving funerals.
Membership of the Good Funeral Guild comes with many benefits:
Exclusive Facebook Group
This is the Facebook group for anyone with a professional or personal interest in improving funerals.
Professional Exposure
Public listing as a member of the Good Funeral Guild along with links to your work.
Event Invitations
Invitations to regional gatherings offering free, generous and confidential exchange of ideas and best practice with fellow Guild members.
Guest Blogs
Write for the influential GFG Blog on pressing matters related to funerals.
Introductions to useful contacts and likeminded people.
Mystery Shopping
Mystery shop for the GFG – your feedback on funeral directors, natural burial grounds, cemeteries and crematoria will help build a picture of what is currently available for bereaved people in the UK.
Support & Guidance
Encouraging advice from Guild HQ is always only a phone call or email away.
Spread the Word
Post announcements, job vacancies and work experience requests.
Stay up-to-date with a regular Guild newsletter with the latest news from Funeralworld.
All for the equivalent of £3 a week.
You can set up a regular PayPal payment or a standing order – or we can invoice you annually, whichever you prefer.
Just drop us an email to let us know you’ve signed up and we’ll add you to the Members list.
If you’ve signed up for an annual payment we’ll add you to the Guild Facebook group straight away.
If you are setting up monthly payments, we’ll add you to the Facebook group later on.
By joining the Guild and helping support the work of the Good Funeral Guide, you will be helping to keep this essential resource available in the public domain for all the people who need it.
Write to fran.hall@goodfuneralguide.co.uk
Coming Soon
Join us
We look forward to meeting you.
If you would like to join up then it’s easy – either go straight to the PayPal button below and select the way you’d like to pay your subscription, or if you’d prefer a different payment method just email fran.hall@goodfuneralguide.co.uk and tell us you want to be a Guild member. We’ll take it from there.